Saturday, December 19, 2009

Community Room College Begins

After getting front page treatment in the last two issues of the Colorado Statesman...

I'm trying to decide the best way to have a positive impact on the grassroots here in Colorado. Whatever media release I send out on Monday should get picked up, at least by the Statesman. One reason: The last week in December is almost always a period of slow news.

So I've spend this morning in deep thought and contemplation. How can I best use this rare opportunity to do something that will be of the most benefit to the most people.

My initial thought is to just do a website or Facebook page about the 2010 Colorado Caucus. But that's not enough to be interesting and really catch peoples attention.

Yes, newspapers should promote the caucus. People who go to their neighborhood caucus are newspaper readers. But that's just not a big enough story to get the papers to write about it.

There are plenty of things going on to help the people at the extreams of our society, not so much for the people in the middle, the hard working salt-of-the-earth, what some have called the "silent majority." If they are mobilized, our country will turnaround and once again prosper.

The million or so millionaires in this country don't need my help. They have access to the best, from medical care to education.

So who am I trying to help?

1.  We all need to do what we can to help the poor. The safety net of our society is critical.

2.  The middle 90%. These are the people that get forgotten. People on the way up, and people on the way down. Money is tight, there is not enough time, and it's very easy to get discouraged. To build social capitol with this group will help the poor the most.

So that's who I'm going to try and help. Question is, do they want the help? Or am I being like the Boy Scout trying to help the little old lady across the street who doesn't want to go across the street. We'll see...

What is my message?

1.  Read print: Books, magazines and your local newspapers.
2.  Be a good friend: Join or start a small group.
3.  Be a good citizen: Affiliate & participate.

I've got small groups right now that are important to me. But my groups aren't necessarily right for everyone.

How will I get this message out?

1.  This website.
2.  A Facebook page
3.  A "Community Room College" alumni meeting once a month, pattern after Denver/Boulder New Tech, have 5 presentations a month from small group leaders that I select.

Community Room College activities;

1.  Annual awards dinner for the best small group education efforts.
2.  Monthly "alumni" meeting.
3.  News on this website.
4.  Encourage participation in the Colorado Caucus.

Is this too complicated?  Better to just focus on the Colorado Caucus? Maybe do Community Room College after January 19. Just writing this much.

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